Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Why Democrats aren't fit to run the country... and neither are Republicans

I tend to consider myself a person in the middle and, like most elections, the election of 2008 is frustrating to those of us in the middle. Why? Because we're forced to choose between the utter stupidity and hypocrisy of one side (in this case, McCain-Palin) vs. the unbearable arrogance of the other (in this case Obama-Biden).

It would be swell, perhaps, if elections were won and lost on the brilliance of the arguments on specific issues. The problem is, whoever wins: you actually have to live with these people.

I've often said in the years I've covered politics is it's not usually the candidates I hate, it's the people who support them I can't stand.

So maybe I'm wrong, maybe it's the Democrats who are stupid because they keep making this same mistake over and over and over again and it's why they keep losing elections over and over again. If you're too stupid to understand, Democrats, how you constantly look down at other people -- you with your fancy book learnin' and all -- are you really smart enough to run the country?

If the Democrats really were the party of change, then the Obama campaign would tell Hollywood to shut the hell up.


  1. Anonymous11:28 AM

    "If the Democrats really were the party of change, then the Obama campaign would tell Hollywood to shut the hell up."

    Bob, you and I know that Hollywood will shut up when the sun runs out of fuel, swells to a red giant and then consumes the earth.

    The people in Hollywood are important...that is why they are paid so much.


  2. Anonymous6:52 PM

    But in the long run, I'd rather be governed by arrogant folks than stupid, hypocritical ones.

  3. Anonymous3:22 PM

    How arrogant to think that any one of our states is less important than another.

    I agree with you that there are people (Hollywood stars are a great example)who ruin the campaign for all of us. We, the regular public, just want the facts of how they would choose to run our government and let us make an educated decision based on those facts. I could care less what Matt's thoughts are on the politicians.
