Saturday, June 06, 2009

Garden therapy

I have always said -- only to myself -- that the more I'm enjoying work, the worse my gardens are. This year, my gardening is going very well, despite a drought that doesn't seem to want to quit anytime soon. We're getting a few showers in the Twin Cities today, but only enough to ruin some people's plans, not enough to do any good.

Here it is June 6, and some of the perennials that should be out in mid-May are just unfolding. It's been that kind of year.

Here's the spring tour.

I had hoped to expand the perennial bed in the front yard, but money being tight and the economy being what it is, a kid in college, a deck project to finish, and an airplane engine loan to pay, it doesn't seem like the right time.

It's going to be a big year for the delphinium.

The Japanese lilac is the last to bloom. Unfortunately, it's season is just about done.

I've got a lot more flowers on these cool-colored iris that my mother sent me a few years ago.

And the peony are just starting to bloom. This was my grandmother's bush. She would've been 113 on Thursday.

OK, hummingbirds, where are you?

These peonies -- one white and one pink -- aren't quite ready to show themselves.

You can't see it very well, but Carolie bought me two hydrangea bushes for my birthday. I'm branching out, as it were, from gardens on the edges of things and starting to try to develop one in the middle of the backyard. It seems silly to have a big patch of grass back there now that the kids are gone. Better to have a nice "nature walk."

The original garden, back by edge of the estate, isn't much to look at anymore. Trees have grown so much that it's shady most of the time. Still, I planted some beans and radishes and corn, all of which sprouted. The rabbits have pretty much eaten everything except the radishes, however.

And there's not much to the yellow iris garden around the apple tree. I spent an hour or so last week weeding this. There's also some bee balm in there... somewhere.

Now that part of the deck has been rebuilt, I'm trying a little container gardening this year.

I even threw some extra radishes, beans, and corn in this one. I realize it's too much for one container, but what the heck. By the way, my corn is now -- technically -- knee high.

We'll check in a few months and see how they all did.


  1. Jenni Bowring11:48 AM

    I'm jealous of your delphiniums. I have exactly one left from the 4 I planted two years ago, and it's so tall, it'll go in the next big windstorm. I'm surprised it made it through yesterday's bluster. I keep meaning to buy a stake for it, but who has that kind of time?

  2. My mother said the same thing. Hers don't appear to grow so well. I'm not sure what my secret is. They're right up against the foundation. Do Delphinums like alkaline soil? They're also on the east side of the house so they they're pretty much out of the line of fire for all the weather, as most of it comes from the south, northwest and west, of course.
