We also learned that back when Spain controlled what is now New Mexico, the King sent word to his forces that someone had taken up residence in the Nebraska territory and sent an expedition up to find out who. From what I can tell from the ride across America's feedlot, it's someone who didn't know any better and trust me, king of Spain, you didn't want Nebraska anyway.
Say, let's have a contest between states.
You go first, Colorado, with your gorgeous Spanish Peaks:

Your turn, Nebraska. Give us all you've got!

We miss you already, Desert Southwest. You've given me new motivation to get the airplane finished and flying.
Update - 3/25 Total miles driven on the trip: 4,312.4
Another classic case of "everything I need to know about Nebraska I learned from I-80." There's no comparison to the Rockies, of course, but if you wander away from the Platte River you're liable to find a scene like this, this, or even this. Nebraska even has a national forest. Not that I'd ever move back, though.
Glad you're on the home stretch. Drive safe!
Definitely on the wrong road in Nebraska!!Cheryl
Thanks for taking us on your vacation, Bob.
What a trip!
I have only visited the US once (New England); all I know is from films and documentaries. scrollling back through the photos of your trip has been a treat, how wonderful it must have been for you, I can only imagine.
stopped by via 'next blog'.
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