We went over to the ballpark at Goodyear -- about 2 miles from where we're staying -- for the Indians-Giants Cactus League game today. The Indians share a spring training complex with the Cincinnati Reds. I ordered tickets ahead of time but I didn't need to. However, it did put me in the 2nd row behind thirdbase. (As always, click the image for the full-sized version)
Got a chance to see Bob Feller:

Travis Hafner whacked a double to open up the game in the mid-innings. With Jake Westbrook turning in four solid innings and Hafner smacking the ball around a fair amount, there's hope in Cleveland.

Left field's home run porch is a lawn where you can spread out. If we go to a game tomorrow evening (a day-night doubleheader with the Brewers in the day and Reds at night, I believe), maybe we'll lean up against a palm tree and watch the game.

Off the first and third base lines, there's a bunch of grass where people can play catch during the game.

You know how at the old Metrodome the kids could run the bases after the game? In Arizona, it's a different demographic.

Outside the ballpark, this is the signature sculpture. I'm not sure what it's supposed to be. Is it a baseball to look like a feather?

The view from the not-cheap seats:

Final score: Indians 7 Giants 1.

We're coming for you, Twins!
I told Carolie this is my spring training to get ready for Oshkosh. I have to build up to being able to sit out in the piercing sunshine for seven or eight hours at a time. I'm not there yet. Speaking of Oshkosh, we're off to Chandler this evening to take Darwin Barrie -- RV builder/flyer and Oshkosh bud -- out to dinner.
I love sitting in the outfield grass - you can stretch out, especially when the crowds aren't extreme. I'll be doing this in two weeks.
Feller looks pretty much exactly like he did when I went to spring training in Tucson nineteen years ago. He pitched SEVENTY years ago. Wow.
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